The Deucecast Movie Show #397: Books, Movies, and K.B. Hoyle

by RetroZap Staff

This week the show is classed up a bit as award winning author K.B. Hoyle comes on to discuss books made into movies.

Sometimes the Deucecast guys — Mikey and Dave — like to try to class the place up by bringing in orthopedic surgeon and Nobel Prize for Medicine Nominee #TwitterlessDr Earl… and when that doesn’t work, they bring in someone actually important.

First up, the birthday movies for September! Wicker Park (the beeeeessss!!) and Shawshank (Get busy livin or get busy podcastin’) and Gone Girl and even a Bugs Bunny movie, and then, first time guest KB Hoyle joins the show.

K.B. Hoyle, award winning author of “The Gateway Chronicles” book series as well as the Breeder Cycle, answers questions about the publishing industry, movie favorites and reveals her fangirl status over Lord of the Rings and the like.

The crew reveals their top five movie adaptations of favorite books, including novels by Stephen King and John Grisham, classics about Mockingbirds and Cupboards, Hitchhikers Guides, lots of Jane Austen (and who is the best Mr Darcy), and much more.  Plus a great discussion on what is right and wrong about Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter books and movies.

The Deucecast podcast, movie


The Deucecast Movie Show is a podcast done by movie fans for movie fans of all kinds. Hosts Mikey, Dave, and featured friend of the show #TwitterlessDrEarl, along with a rotating cast of fun guests, discuss all sorts of movies–from new to old, fantastic to craptastic and everything in between.  Expect themed episodes, feature lists, favorite movies, and tournaments pitting movie against movie or actor against act because we love a good bracket. Play along with movie games like “Denzel” or “The Ryan Philippe Game,” then participate in voting in the annual Deucie Awards and yell at us when someone defends a Damon Wayans movie as “nearly the perfect film.” If you love movies, then you’ll love The Deucecast Movie Show! We love to interact with our listeners so please subscribe to the podcast and send us an email, tweets, and comments as you listen at your leisure. The more the merrier, so thanks for tuning in!

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