Time Travel and Terminators

by Joseph Tavano

I watched all four Terminator films in a row. Here’s what I learned.

I’ve been grappling with this article for a while, but I think I will save my Terminator magnum opus for after I see the fifth film. For the time being, enjoy this infographic I made on the events of the Terminator franchise, and take my advice: watch T3 and T4 again, if you have the time. They take way too much heat, and even though they’re no James Cameron classics, they’re worthy installments in the larger story.

Also, there’s no way Kyle was John’s dad before he went in time. The future Kyle lived in was never affected by time travel, and Kyle admits that he only comes from one possible future. Indeed, there truly is no fate but what we make (when we travel back in time to create alternate time streams).

Terminator Timeline

Wanna discuss the timeline? You can find me @JoeyWanKenobi on Twitter.


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