Starships, Sabers, and Scoundrels #14: Death, Troopers, and Taxus

by RetroZap Staff

SCubedPod takes on Death Troopers in this Halloween episode.

We revisit Joe Schreiber’s Death Troopers, Star Wars’ entry into the horror genre, in episode fourteen.

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Starships Sabers and Scoundrels #14: Death, Troopers, and Taxus

On episode fourteen of Starships, Sabers, and Scoundrels, Dennis and Darth Taxus are in the Halloween spirit. It just happens that Star Wars and Halloween go together. In honor of the upcoming holiday, the guys discuss Joe Schreiber’s horror Star Wars novel, Death Troopers. Since it is Halloween, the guys hand out candy to some trick-or-treaters

Before the guys can get to Death Troopers, Dennis and Taxus discuss some of the recent Star Wars news. First, Marvel announced a new ongoing Star Wars title. The guys are thrilled that it features Dr. Aphra. Next, in conjunction with the new Rogue One poster, Lucasfilm released a new poster for the film. Dennis and Taxus offer their take on it. Third, the soundtrack is available for pre-order. Finally, Lucasfilm officially announced who will fill the role of Lando in the upcoming Han Solo film. The guys react.

November is right around the corner. Therefore, it is time for another edition of Skystalking. Darth Taxus fills everyone in on where they can find their favorite Star Wars celebrities next month.

After Skystalking, the guys take on Death Troopers. The guys answer the question whether a horror story in the Star Wars galaxy works. What were the spookiest parts? What is the Blackwing virus? Have you read this novel? What did you think? Email us at and let us know your thoughts. Once they have discussed Death Troopers, the guys reminisce about Star Wars experiences from Halloweens past.

As usual, it wouldn’t be an episode of Starships, Sabers, and Scoundrels, if the guys didn’t address some listener feedback. Of course, this means there is another edition of “Silence Fools!”

Thanks for joining us for episode fourteen of Starships, Sabers, and Scoundrels.

About Starships Sabers and Scoundrels

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Welcome Jedi, Sith, smugglers, nerf herders and moof milkers too! Starships Sabers and Scoundrels is a bi-weekly Star Wars discussion show and a project started by two first-generation Star Wars fans. Inspired by the Star Wars fan community, RetroZappers Dennis Keithly and Darth Taxus share their take on what’s happening in Star Wars! They’ll discuss larger topics in the “Hyperthetical” segment. Then, they’ll delve into listener feedback with the Darth Taxus-hosted segment, “Silence Fools!” Additionally, movies, books, comics, television, and community news are all on the holotable as the Dark Lord of Tax and Dennis share their fandom for everything from that galaxy far, far away.

Find them on Twitter at @SCubedPod and on Facebook.

Starships Sabers and Scoundrels #14: Death, Troopers, and Taxus

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