Scarlet Velocity #604: There Will Be Blood

by Scarlet Velocity

“There Will Be Blood” when the Flash finally discovers that Ramsey Rosso’s meta powers are turning him into a killer on Scarlet Velocity: A Flash Podcast!

“There Will Be Blood” in Central City, now that Ramsey Rosso’s meta powers have fully developed.

The mad doctor realizes that the only way to hold off his pain is by using scared people to incubate the dark substance that turned him into a twisted meta. But Barry and the other team members don’t realize his intentions yet. They continue to wallow in their emotions about losing Barry in the upcoming Crisis. Ralph has given up his search for Sue Dearbon and Cisco still refuses to accept that there’s nothing he can do. When Nash Wells returns, asking for their help. Cisco uses the opportunity to stash away a possible solution for saving his friend. But Barry wants Cisco to be the leader when he’s gone and to teach him what a good leader does, he asks for a cure to Rosso’s disease. Of course, they have to throw away those plans when Rosso begins using hospital patients to become more powerful. Jay and Josh wonder why so many trick-or-treaters look like zombies on this week’s episode of Scarlet Velocity: A Flash Podcast!

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Scarlet Velocity: A Flash Podcast
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During a freak laboratory accident, two podcasters discovered they had the metahuman ability to discuss all aspects of The Flash. Each week, Josh and Jay will discuss the high’s and low’s of The Flash TV Series and comics.

Episodes of Scarlet Velocity have been shown to significantly increase your understanding of time travel physics. So, grab your running shoes and join Josh and Jay as they bring you the best commentary in the Speed Force. Try to keep up!

Scarlet Velocity is part of Josh and Jay’s “Superhero Suite” of podcasts, all featured on RetroZap! If you’ve liked this episode, be sure to check out the duo’s other shows, including Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast, Agents of SHIELD: Case Files, and Terrigen Dreams: An Inhumans Podcast. While each show has its own distinctive flair, you can expect the same spot-on analysis, humor and polished production that this podcasting team has been known for year after year, season after season.

Scarlet Velocity #604: There Will Be Blood

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