Poe Dameron #15 Review

by Dennis Keithly

Black Squadron takes on their next mission in Poe Dameron #15.

Warning: This article discusses plot details of Poe Dameron #15.

Poe Dameron #15 Cover

Poe Dameron #15

Writer: Charles Soule | Artist: Angel Unzueta | Colorist: Arif Prianto | Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramagna | Cover Artist: Phil Noto | Assistant Editor: Heather Antos | Editor: Jordan D. White

Moving On

After L’ulo’s funeral in the previous issue, Black Squadron is ready for another mission. They adopt the mantra that this mission will succeed “no matter what.” That declaration proves to me more difficult in practice than theory in Poe Dameron #15.

The Resistance Need Supplies

As a secret organization, the Resisance necessarily hides their base. Fans of The Force Awakens know that base is on D’Qar. The Resistance is primarily concerned with the First Order discovering their location. Therefore, the Resistance employs a double blind system to procure supplies from smugglers. Therefore, it is astonishing and worrisome that these smugglers have gone silent one-by-one.

Interestingly, General Organa notes that she acquired the names of the smugglers from her husband. Of course, Leia married Han Solo. So, Han must have been involved, even if just a little, with the Resistance before he became estranged from Leia. As far as Star Wars fans know, Han and Leia were together at the conclusion of Bloodline by Claudia Gray. In that novel, Leia began the Resistance. Whatever ultimately drove Han and Leia apart happened after Han could provide the Resistance with at least a little assistance.

Poe Dameron #15 - Romary

“The Rule of Law”

Captain Perrili commands the Bulk Freighter Romary. She is also the last contact the Resistance has for fuel and supplies. The Resistance knows they must reach and protect her. However, the First Order intercepts the Romary before the Resistance reaches them. Stormtroopers first shoot and kill one of the Romarys crew members before their commander questions Captain Perrili.

The interrogation sheds light on the state of the galaxy. Captain Perrili asks a fair question, “What does it matter if she is selling supplies to the Resistance?” After all, it is a free galaxy. The commander states that it certainly matters. In summary, she explains that although it is a “free galaxy,” Perrili sells supplies to people that do terrible things with them against “the rule of law.” In other words, at least in the commander’s view, the First Order is the legitimate “rule of law.” It has a claim to enforce order on the galaxy. This is interesting because other than a military, no system of government has been presented for the First Order. They demonstrate no mandate.

No Matter What

Not long after the First Order intercepted the Romary, Poe and Black Squadron arrive. Initially, Poe intended a solo mission to rendezvous with the Romary. The rationale was that they only had a limited amount of fuel. However, the rest of the squad wouldn’t have it. They divide the fuel for one fighter among themselves and hope it is enough for the misssion. In addition, every member of Black Squad pledged to complete the mission “no matter what” in honor of L’ulo’s memory.

Finishing the mission “no matter what” proves more difficult in practice than in theory. First, the First Order sabotaged the Romary. Much like the bus in Speed, the freighter will detonate if it slows down. BB-8 discover that fact soon enough. Then BB-8 discovers another secret. The freighter has no fuel.

Poe Dameron #15 Poe


Despite the lack of the fuel, Poe decides to complete the mission “no matter what.” Therefore, they are going to get their fuel back. Charles Soule certainly maintains a pace and style with the Poe Dameron series. Poe and his teammates have a can-do attitude, and they are always ready to unleash their skills on a problem. Together they have an invincible attitude.

This issue, like earlier issues, continues the trend of world building where the First Order is concerned. Whether they actually control worlds or any territory, the First Order claims legitimacy. Furthermore, they claim the moral authority to enforce the “rule of law.” In their view, the Resistance amounts to a terrorist cell, which isn’t surprising given Kylo Ren’s words from The Force Awakens. Terex appears in this issue. However, he might as well be an android. The device Phasma had mounted on his head makes him little more than an information repository.

Soule continues to tell the story of a galaxy engaged in a cold war. The battles are fought by operatives working behind the scenes. The galaxy is unaware of their activities, but the set up for the war to come is told in the pages of this series.

Favorite Panel of Poe Dameron #15

Once again, Angel Unzueta provided the art for Poe Dameron #15. As with his debut in the previous issue, Unzueta created excellent art that although a departure from Phil Noto’s work excellently captures the action. In addition, his characters are well drawn, and Arif Prianto adds vibrant color. The Xexto race appears in this issue. Captain Perrili and her crew were all Xextos. If the Xexto look familiar, they first appeared in The Phantom Menace. Gusgano was a Xexto podracer in the Boonta Eve Classic. The Xexto are spindly, thin, and tall. Despite that, Unzueta draws them well and gives them emotion. They stand out in this issue, and I selected a panel featuring Captain Perrili for the favorite panel of Poe Dameron #15.

Poe Dameron #15 Favorite Panel

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