Enjoy Stuff: California Dreamin’

by Enjoy Stuff

Enjoy Stuff: California Dreamin’

Celebrate the birthday of the one and only Jovial Jay by taking a trip to Califor-Ni-Ay! Jay remembers all the great places he would visit growing up in the Golden State. It’s a celebration of another trip around the sun on Enjoy Stuff!

Come with us on a visit of Jay’s favorite places in California that helped make him the man he is today. It’s a birthday celebration!


Help wanted at Antarctica base to manage gift shop and count penguins

antarctica penguin job

Robbers steal $22,000 worth of cheese, and that’s no gouda!

Cheese Wheels

The new Netflix film Operation: Mincemeat looks good! I comes out May 11

Operation Mincemeat

A new, wicked trailer for Stranger Things season 4 looks amazing!

Stranger Things season 4

What we’re Enjoying

Shua has been reading the latest fantasy novel from Antony Soehner called The Prince. An intriguing story about Prince Theo who has to deal with a wicked king. Check it out on antonysoehner.com. Jay checked out a new HBO Max series with Rhys Darby and Taika Waititi. It’s not what he expected, but he’s enjoying it so far. 

The Prince Our Flag Means Death

Sci-Fi Saturdays/MCU Location Scout

Be sure to check out Jay’s articles on Retrozap.com. This week he revisits the 1992 Jean-Claude Van Damme and Dolph Lundgren action flick, Universal Soldier. It is a surprising film that attempts to blend action/sci-fi with a social conscience. Make sure you check his articles out each week!

Universal Soldier

Enjoy Life!

Today is Jay’s birthday! And what better way to celebrate than reminiscing about your childhood! It’s a TechnoRetro trip back to the state that made the man, California. 

First we find out if there could possibly be any other events of historical significance besides the birth of the Jovial one. I guess there might be a few things that happened. Then we see if any well known people go around bragging that they share a birthday with the famous Jay.

And then the fun begins. What were some movies that were released around his birthday throughout the years? Where did Jay like to go see these flicks?

Caveman Ringo Starr

Next we cover TV. CHiPs, Hulk, and Manimal were just a few that influenced him. But can HE turn into a variety of animals? We may find out.


And finally, how did the fair-haired comic book fan entertain himself during the 80s? Bowling, mini-golf, and video games were the catalyst for genius.

Shakey's Pizza Shakey's Pizza outside Starcade Time out arcade

We are so lucky that the world gave us Jovial Jay. So let’s crank some tunes as we party the week away in celebration of the birthday boy!

Did you enjoy any of the things that Jay did growing up? Is it your birthday? Do you ever read all the way to the bottom of these write-ups to read these questions?  Let us know. Come talk to us in the Discord channel or send us an email to podcast@enjoystuff.com

We truly appreciate all you Earbuds who have hopped on board and joined us for our next chapter! Join in the fun by reaching out to us! And make sure to Share and Enjoy with all your friends!

Share and enjoy!

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