Darth Vader #2 – The Chosen One Part II Review

by Dennis Keithly

Vader continues his quest for a new lightsaber.

This review contains plot details for Darth Vader #2 – The Chosen One Part II.

Darth Vader #2 - The Chosen One Part II - Cover

Darth Vader #2 – The Chosen One Part II

Writer: Charles Soule | Pencils: Giuseppe Camuncoli | Inks: Cam Smith | Colorist: David Curiel | Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramagna | Cover Artist: Jim Cheung & Matthew Wilson | Assistant Editor: Heather Antos | Editor: Jordan B. White

It is still the early days of the Galactic Empire. Having recovered from the shock of his transformation, Darth Vader adapts to his new life. In the previous issue, Darth Sidious tasked his apprentice with acquiring a new lightsaber. In Darth Vader #2 – The Chosen One Part II, the new Sith Lord continues his quest. His journey takes him to a Mid-Rim Jedi Outpost designated Brighthome. Currently, clonetroopers set to the task of cataloging the Jedi artifacts kept aboard the station. Vader arrives and devastates the clones. His mission on the station is to locate a surviving Jedi, one that he can defeat in combat.

The Obsolescence of the Clones

The Republic’s war with the Separatists has barely ended, and already the clones are obsolete. At least, that is what the rumors the clones hear suggest. The Kaminoans shut down their clone facilities. Instead of safeguarding the galaxy, the clones find themselves archiving Jedi artifacts and relics. It is a job many of them resent.

One such clone goes by the name Ding. He is desperate to regain the Emperor’s favor. Therefore, when Vader arrives without identifying himself, Ding looks at the situation as an opportunity. Ding and his fellow clones believe Darth Vader is a Jedi. Therefore, Ding hopes capturing Vader and presenting him to Palpatine would result in regaining the Emperor’s favor. Unfortunately, Ding and his companions misunderstand the situation.

Much like The Clone Wars animated series, this comic humanizes the clones. Even though the clones turned on the Jedi with the execution of Order 66, they are sympathetic. The Kaminoans engineered them for a purpose. That purpose is now complete. Like droids, the clones want to fulfill their programming. However, unlike battle droids, the clones have other human qualities such as emotions, hopes, and desires. They want to be useful. In his desperation, Ding concocts a plan that is ambitious and symptomatic of someone with nothing left to lose.

Darth Vader #2 - The Chosen One Part II - Ding

Vader’s Assault

As he approaches Brighthome, Darth Vader makes no attempt to identify himself. His droid pleads to transmit its clearance codes, but Vader refuses him. The Dark Lord then destroys all the clones in his path. He dispatches the clone in fighters around the station before boarding and decimating the clones with the Force and a borrowed lightsaber.

Why exactly Vader assaults the clones is left unsaid. One can speculate that he wants his mission to remain secret. After all, if nobody knows the details, nobody can betray his mission. Another possible explanation is that Vader is enacting his own revenge. He is angry and he has no other outlet. The clones are insignificant to him. Sidious just taught him the value of his pain, anger, and rage. Why not use it?

The Barash Vow

Once the clones are no longer a threat, Vader and his droid query the stations computers. Vader is looking for surviving Jedi that took the Barash Vow. This is a new element of the Jedi mythology. The Barash Vow was an oath taken by Jedi who completely refrained from all activities related to the Jedi Order as a form of penitence. These Jedi disengaged from anything but the Force itself. Vader’s droid reported that from the founding of the Jedi Order, over 14,000 Jedi had taken this vow.

Vader seeks a Jedi that took this oath because it is likely the only way he’ll find a surviving Jedi. Sidious previously tasked him with acquiring a Kyber crystal from a Jedi. The Sith seize their crystals. However, Vader and Sidious wiped out most of the Jedi alongside the clones when they executed Order 66. Therefore, Vader’s task became much more difficult.

This was a clever idea by Charles Soule. This adds to the Jedi mythology. It also permits Vader the opportunity to combat a Jedi. It is a reasonable explanation of why a surviving Jedi might be lurking somewhere in the galaxy. In this case, the Jedi’s name is Master Kirak Infil’a. While he served the Order, his purpose was “to fight.” Vader has a challenge ahead.

Darth Vader #2 - The Chosen One Part II - borrowed saber


Darth Vader #2 – The Chosen One Part II successfully balances exposition with action. Vader’s quest for a new lightsaber does not stagnate. The path Soule left for Vader is a clever one. In addition to the story, Soule’s writing and Giuseppe Camuncoli’s art combine to create a terrifying image of Vader. He is a Sith Lord that cannot be bargained with. Vader experiences no remorse, and pain is only a nuisance to him. In some ways, he is like the Terminator. This only ends when he has his lightsaber.

Favorite Panel of Darth Vader #2 – The Chosen One Part II

 Once Vader invaded the Brighthome station, he slaughtered the clones inside. Or, at least he thought he slaughtered all of them. Ding and a companion survived. While Vader and his droid searched the computer archives for a surviving Jedi, Ding and his friend tossed a grenade at him. This didn’t stop Darth Vader. Indeed, he reached out with the Force and grabbed it in mid-air just as it began to explode. Using the Force, he kept the explosion in check until his business was finished. This was an excellent display of Vader’s power. This is the favorite panel of Darth Vader #2 – The Chosen One Part II.

Darth Vader #2 - The Chosen One Part II - Feature Image


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