Blabba the Hutt #21: ReyOfHope, Cantina & More

by RetroZap Staff

We talk about the #ReyofHope Campaign and to the organizers of #Cantina, and we look forward to Celebration Europe.

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Welcome to Episode 21 of Blabba the Hutt. It has been a busy week at BlabbaHQ.

In this episode:

We talk about the happenings that led to this crazy week we that resulted in a link from Mark Hamill to the Blabba the Hutt Site.

We talk #REYOFHOPE, a campaign to help one young girl Alice Barker reach her hero Daisy Ridley, She was called an inspiration to Mark Hamill. Hear the story from both Blabba the Hutt’s angle and from Alice herself!

Celebration is only around the corner, and 2 UK boys are setting up the best Pre Celebration party around. Listen to us as we catch up with Jed Shepherd and Martin Keeler to talk about #Cantina!

So buckle up and enjoy Blabba the Hutt Episode 21! As always, Thank you for listening in, we would love you to tell us what you think on Twitter and Facebook. We would also love it if you would leave us an iTunes review. Punch it Chewie!

BlabbaTheHutt21_RZ ReyofHope

About Blabba the Hutt

Blabba the Hutt

Blabba The Hutt is a Star Wars podcast produced in Dublin, Ireland. On the show, you will be greeted by Jamie Hickey & Kate Dubinko, two Star Wars-mad individuals, each bringing a unique perspective and flair to the show.

Blabba the Hutt explores everything from that galaxy far far away, from comics, to books and movie digest–you’ll find it here. Living in Ireland, Jamie is excited to bring a unique Irish slant to the listeners. Along the way Jamie has built great relationships with key individuals in Ireland, including production crew from The Force Awakens, representatives from the Emerald Garrison, and more–all of whom you will meet in the show. Sit back, relax and enjoy everything that Blabba has to offer.

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